SR #Nasalplasty Surgical Instrument SetQty
1Freer Chisel Straight 6-1/2″1
2Lucae Bone Mallet Bronze Head Small 8oz1
3Joseph Skin Hook 1 Prong Sharp  6″1
4Joseph Skin Hook 2 Prong 2mm Sharp 6″1
5Dressing Forceps  7″2
6Tissue Forceps 1×2 Teeth 7″2
7Micro Adson Tissue Forceps 1×2 Teeth 4″2
8Adson Tissue Forceps 1×2 Teeth 4″2
9Brown Tissue Forceps 6″2
10Dressing Forceps 1×2 Teeth 6″2
11Tissue Forceps 6″2
12Bruns Bone Curette Oval #0001
13Bruns Bone Curette Oval #01
14Bruns Bone Curette Oval #21
15Backhaus Towel Clamp  3.5″6
16Ryder Needle Holder Serrated Tungsten Carbide 6″1
17Operating Scissors Straight Sharp/Blunt 6″2
18Tissue Forceps 1×2 Teeth 5.5″2
19Tungsten Carbide Mayo Dissecting Scissors 6″1
20Metzenbaum Dissecting Scissors Curved 6″1
21Tungsten Carbide Metzenbaum Dissecting Scissors Curved 6″1
22Tungsten Carbide Metzenbaum Dissecting Scissors Straight 6″1
23Cottle Nasal Scissors Curved 4″1
24Fomon Raspatory and File Double End1
25Fomon Raspatory and File Double End1
26Joseph Bayonet Bone Saw Left1
27Joseph Bayonet Bone Saw Right1
28Hajek-Ballenger Septum Elevator Double End1
29Farabeuf Raspatory Double End1
30Freer Elevator Double End Sharp/Blunt 5mm Wide1
31Lambotte Osteotome Straight Delicate 4mm1
32Lambotte Osteotome Straight Delicate 6mm1
33Lambotte Osteotome Straight Delicate 8mm1
34Lambotte Osteotome Straight Delicate 10mm1
35Lambotte Osteotome Straight Delicate 12mm1
36Cottle Septal Speculum With Screw1
37Cottle Septal Speculum With Screw1
38Cinelli Osteotome Guarded Both Sides Straight 12mm1